17.06.2015, India

Thaye Dorje, the 17th Karmapa speech at first anniversary ceremony of Shamar Rinpoche’s passing

Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, Ceremony, Video

Thaye Dorje, the 17th Karmapa speech at the first anniversary of Shamar Rinpoche’s passing.

On 11th June 2014th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche passed into parinirvana. According to tibetan calendar 31st May 2015 marks the first anniversary of Shamar Rinpoche’s passing. His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje concluded ceremonies at Karmapa International Buddhist Institute with extensive and inspirational speech.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone and offer my gratitude and appreciation to all of you for being here. I can see devotees of His Holiness Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche – many old devotees, friends and disciples, practitioners, and of course the Venerables. I would like to take a moment to remind ourselves of what this day means.
It is known to us that, from a universal point of view, this day is a day to remember, and also celebrate, the life of a great being. From a spiritual point of view, this day is a day where we remind ourselves of three of the most important deeds or activities of a realised Bodhisattva: the birth, life and passing of His Holiness Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche.

Just like the Buddha himself, the birth of His Holiness Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche is very important. The rebirth of a bodhisattva is supposed to be a conscious rebirth, a rebirth where the intention is to benefit sentient beings, and it is through that intent that they take the rebirth. And so we must utilise this day and take time to remember this.

Secondly, we try to remember his life, his activity, his legacy, the contribution that has been made to the world. Just like many great beings that we know throughout history, and in our present day, the life of His Holiness Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche has been a tremendous source of inspiration for all of us.

We remember his ability and determination to protect and preserve the very lineage that we know. This, of course, is not just any lineage, but a lineage of compassion and wisdom: a lineage for the teachings of Lord Buddha; the teachings that have survived; the teachings that have developed for over 2500 years; and are developing as we speak. These teachings have been brought to the various regions of the world. Buddhist teachings have now reached everywhere across the globe, and are benefiting countless beings through a message of compassion and wisdom. Countless beings are realising the benefit of such timeless teachings, of such timeless practice, a practice that doesn’t require any effort at all.

Simply by generating compassion, generating wisdom to others, brings great peace to ourselves, to others, and therefore to all those around us. And this effect, of course, is timeless. The benefit of these teachings has been seen by the Buddha, it has been seen by the Bodhisattvas – Bodhisattvas being those who follow the way to become Buddhas – so they have seen it, they have experienced it, they have realised it. And so it is with the great being we are talking about today – His Holiness Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche.


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Words of Wisdom
I will make wishes and aspirations for all of us to keep our connection (…) in this way our intention and mindset are the same, and then no matter the distance and time – they will not separate us