01.08.2015, France

Thaye Dorje, the 17th Karmapa France 2015

Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, Bodhisattva Vow, Ceremony, consecration, Empowerment, Puja, refuge, Teaching

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa France 2015

From 27th July until 1st of August 2015 the 17th Karmapa visited Dhagpo Kagyu Ling.


See the program of Gyalwa Karmapa’s visit in France:

Monday, July 27
– Welcome Ceremony for Gyalwa Karmapa
– Teaching on Bodhisattva Vows

Tuesday, July 28
– Teaching on Bodhisattva Vows
– Bodhisattva Vows

Wednesday, July 29
– Chenrezig Empowerment

Thursday, July 30
– Grand Accumulation of the Mantra of Chenrezig

Friday, July 31
– Consecration Ceremony of the Institute
– Commemoration of the Cremation of Shamar Rinpoche: Milarepa Guru Yoga Ritual with Festival of Offering

In the Evenings
–  The Karma Kagyu Lineage, the Karmapas, and the Shamarpas, by Khenpo Chodrak Rinpoche
–  Life at The Foot of the Master: Sopon Tsultrim Namgyal on the 16th Karmapa

Karmapa visits Dhagpo Kagyu Ling. July 26 to Aug1, 2015

The 17th Karmapa France 2015 – teaching about Chenresig in Dhagpo Kagyu Ling.

See the galleries:

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Words of Wisdom
So when we practice compassion, when we apply compassion in our daily lives, we really have to tell ourselves, “That’s me, that’s who I am. I cannot change that; no one can change that.