21.08.2017, Spain

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa in Karma Guen – August 17 – 22, 2017

Karma Guen, Empowerment, Teaching
Gyalwa Karmapa and his entourage arrive in Malaga

Gyalwa Karmapa and his entourage arrive in Malaga

On 17th of August HH Gyalwa Karmapa and his entourage travelled to Malaga in Spain.
His Holiness was received at the airport by Nendo Rinpoche, Lama Ole Nydahl, Pedro Gomez with his family and many other well wishers.
About one thousand members of the Diamond Way centres were already waiting for the Karmapa at the Karma Guen retreat centre.

On 18th of August, the Mahakala Room, which is underneath the main temple in Karma Guen, was inaugurated. Only His Holiness, Lama Ole, the Rinpoches, the monks and a small number of lay people attended in person the Puja and the Rabne of this very special Mahakala Room.
The participants of the programme, numbering upwards of 3,000 people remained in the temple and followed this part of the Puja ceremony on the screens, via live streaming.
In the afternoon, Karmapa and the notables rejoined all participants in the temple to complete the Mahakala Puja.
Among European Temples the Thaye Dorje Gompa in Karma Guen is noted for the outstanding and beautiful traditional paintings by the hand of Dawa Lhadripa, Master thangka painter of the Karma Gardri tradition.

Inauguration of Mahakala Room with Gyalwa Karmapa

Inauguration of Mahakala Room with Gyalwa Karmapa

On 19th of August the Karmapa granted a Mahakala empowerment for over 3700 people. The power of such a gathering was impressive.

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives a Mahakala empowerment to about 4000 people

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives a Mahakala empowerment to about 4000 people

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives a Mahakala empowerment to about 4000 people

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives a Mahakala empowerment to about 4000 people

On 20th of August the Karmapa met at 10am with the translators of the ITAS translation project and gave further enabling advice on their work.
This was followed by an opening ceremony of the International Institute for Tibetan and Asian Studies (ITAS).
HH Gyalwa Karmapa, Lama Ole Nydahl and Antonio Moreno, the Mayor of Velez-Malaga, formally opened the newly refurbished rooms. The building serves different purposes. The offices and reception are on the ground floor. The first floor is taken up by the ITAS library as well as rooms for the ITAS translation team of Karma Guen and the Rangjung Dawa Art School. The top floor is dedicated to art – currently an art exhibition is on display there. In the basement there are several guest rooms and a meditation lab, where research on meditation and mindfulness is undertaken under the guidance of Peter Malinowski from Liverpool John Moores University.

Inauguration of the new library and institute in Karma Guen with Gyalwa Karmapa and the mayor of Velez Malaga

Inauguration of the new library and institute in Karma Guen with Gyalwa Karmapa and the mayor of Velez Malaga

In the afternoon Gyalwa Karmapa granted an Amithayus Empowerment for up to 4000 people.

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives an Amitayus empowerment to about 4000 people

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives an Amithayus empowerment to about 4000 people

On 21st of August His Holiness gave teachings on love and compassion. The teaching was followed by the Chenresig “Loving Eyers” Meditation.

Gyalwa Karmapa gives teachings about compassion

Gyalwa Karmapa gives teachings about compassion

In the afternoon Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje travelled to Granada to bless the new Diamond Way Buddhist Centre of the town. A beautiful, traditional and very charming old house will be adapted for the needs of the Sangha of Granada.

Gyalwa Karmapa, Jigme Rinpoche, Lamas and entourage visit the new Diamondway Center in Granada

Gyalwa Karmapa, Jigme Rinpoche, Lamas and entourage visit the new Diamondway Center in Granada

See more images:

17.08.2017 His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa arrives in Spain at Malaga Airport
18.08.2017 Mahakala Ritual led by Gyalwa Karmapa in Karma Guen, Spain
19.08.2017 Gyalwa Karmapa bestows a Mahakala empowerment to over 4000 practitioners in Karma Guen
20.08.2017 Inauguration of the New Library in Karma Guen
20.08.2017 Gyalwa Karmapa bestows Amithayus (Long Life) Empowerment to over 4000 people
21.08.2017 Thaye Dorje, the 17th Karmapa Teaching About Compassion in Buddhism
21.08.2017 Visit and Consecration Ceremony of new Diamond Way Buddhist Center in Granada

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Words of Wisdom
Normally in life, greed – and in most cases even ambition – are things we need to slowly renounce. But while generating your qualities, such as bodhicitta, you need to be very ambitious, almost greedy