26.01.2015, India

Celebration of India’s Republic Day at KIBI

Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, New Dehli, Ceremony, Teaching

On the 26th of January, His Holiness Karmapa together with students celebrated India’s Republic Day at Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (KIBI) in New Delhi.

Gyalwa Karmapa gave a statement for the India’s Republic Day:

As Buddhists, this day is a wonderful occasion to remember what India has given to us. India gave birth to Buddhism, to all the timeless knowledge that we have been practicing throughout our lives. And from a Buddhist point of view, not only in this life but over many, many life-times. According to the prophecies of the Buddhas, this nation has not only been the host for Buddhism in the past, in the present, but also in future eras as well. Therefore, we must use this auspicious day as a day of mindfulness, a day of remembrance, and a day of gratitude.

source: www.karmapa.org

After the teaching with session of questions and answers, His Holiness Karmapa led Chenresig meditation and conducted lamp offering in front of KIBI.



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“The inner wealth would be none other than the understanding of one’s true nature.”