06.08.2007 – 07.08.2007, Germany

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa visits Moehra, Germany

Empowerment, Puja, Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow

On the 6th of August His Holiness visited Karma Shedrub Tschoepel Ling, a quite new dharma center only 2 hours to drive from Kassel. Embed between fields and forests in a gentle hilly area, the dharma center in Moehra can be found on top of a hill. One views a wide and open landscape from there, which, due to agricultural use and sparse population in that area, has the great advantage of wonderful silence. Anilas and Drublas of the Dhagpo Kagyu Mandala take care of this new center. Although the house was bought only 2 years ago the house was completely reconstructed and adapted for its final seminar and retreat facilities.

His Holiness was welcomed very heartily with the traditional body speech and mind offerings.

After that, Karmapa Thaye Dorje gave refuge with an explanation to about 300 people. Then, His Holiness blessed the whole place in a Rabne ceremony. The program ended with a Mahakala Puja.

The following morning, His Holiness left for Frankfurt to catch his departing flight back to India after almost 3 month of intense travelling.

We are all thankful that he did not leave us empty handed. We are blessed by his inspiration, his teachings, his spiritual guidance, his warm heart and, last but not least by his promise to come again.

Report: Gunhild Jug
Photos: Thule G. Jug

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Words of Wisdom
So when we practice compassion, when we apply compassion in our daily lives, we really have to tell ourselves, “That’s me, that’s who I am. I cannot change that; no one can change that.