06.05.2013, India

Charity event at the Blind Relief Association in Delhi

New Dehli, Charity

His Holiness the 17th Karmapa engages in charity event at the Blind Relief Association in New Delhi.

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On the occasion of the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje’s 30th Birthday, the Karmapa International Buddhist Society engaged in charity.

Gyalwa Karmapa, along with Professor Sempa Dorje and about 100 volunteers and students of KIBI visited The Delhi Blind Relief Association, Delhi Karmapa toured the institution, blessing all the students. All 300 students of the Blind Relief Association were gifted items of their basic necessities like bed sheet, slippers and the like. The donation was followed by the cake cutting ceremony. The children of the Blind Relief Association were then given refreshments to eat. Apart from this, staple food like Rice was also donated by KIBS to this NGO.

Mr. P.C. Mehta secretary of the Association thanked His Holiness and he has requested His Holiness for constant support in future to the Blind Association.

6th May in New Delhi His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa celebrates His 30th birthday with a charity event at the Blind Relief Association.

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Words of Wisdom
“We can overcome eons of negative actions, speech & thought with one great moment of generating compassion”