16.07.2012, United Kingdom

Visit in Huffington Post and meeting with journalists.

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16.07.2012, United Kingdom

Meeting with dignitaries from the House of Lords, Action for Happiness, New Economics Foundation, and young ambassadors from The Prince’s Trust.

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15.07.2012, United Kingdom

His Holiness transmitted the empowerment of Jambala at Friend’s House in London

On the next day, July 15, His Holiness transmitted the empowerment of Jambala to a gathering of more than thousand devotees.

Once again, he explained the meaning of this particular wisdom aspect before starting the empowerment.

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14.07.2012 – 15.07.2012, United Kingdom

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives teachings and an empowerment at Friends’ House in London

After his programme in Manchester, His Holiness returned to London for a two-day programme organised by the London Diamond Way Karma Kagyu Center.

On July 14 His Holiness Karmapa gave a teaching on what is usually translated as the “Four Immeasurables”: immeasurable love, immeasurable compassion, immeasurable sympathetic joy and immeasurable equanimity.

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14.07.2012, United Kingdom

Teaching on “The Four Immeasurables” in Friends House.

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Words of Wisdom
“We can overcome eons of negative actions, speech & thought with one great moment of generating compassion”