14.07.2012 – 15.07.2012, United Kingdom

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives teachings and an empowerment at Friends’ House in London

London, Empowerment, Teaching

After his programme in Manchester, His Holiness returned to London for a two-day programme organised by the London Diamond Way Karma Kagyu Center.

On July 14 His Holiness Karmapa gave a teaching on what is usually translated as the “Four Immeasurables”: immeasurable love, immeasurable compassion, immeasurable sympathetic joy and immeasurable equanimity.

In his introduction to the subject matter His Holiness said that even though the world we live in had undergone tremendous changes within a relatively short period of time, the timeless patterns of karma, emotions and habitual tendencies remained essentially the same.

“The practice of Buddhism, and particularly the practice of the Four Immeasurables, remains very relevant to this day. It is a practice that anyone can apply. Whether we call ourselves Buddhists or not, these qualities are there in all of us.”

The venue of the event was “Friends’ House”, the very hall where his predecessor, the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa Rangjung Rigpey Dorje, had performed a Black Crown ceremony many years previously.

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Words of Wisdom
“The inner wealth would be none other than the understanding of one’s true nature.”