25.08.2003, USA

Teaching by Khenpo Chödrag Tenphel Rinpoche in California.

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18.08.2003, USA

Visit in San Francisco and Karma Pakshi Empowerment.


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13.08.2003, USA

Sangye Menla (Medicine Buddha) Empowerment.

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25.07.2003 – 30.07.2003, USA

Gyalwa Karmapa in Santa Barbara

Suzan Garner and Bart Mendel invited the Gyalwa Karmapa to the Karma Kagyu center in Santa Barbara.

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19.07.2003 – 20.07.2003, USA

Gyalwa Karmapa in San Francisco

On 19 July 19th, Gyalwa Karmapa visited the Diamondway Centre in San Francisco. Afterwards he gave an Karma Pakshi empowerment in the Golden Gate Club.

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Words of Wisdom
“Our smallest actions matter so much. This is the kind of awareness that we have to develop.”