22.12.2005 – 04.01.2006, Taiwan

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa visits Taiwan

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa was invited by Lopon Tenzin Rinpoche to visit his Karma Kagyu Centers in Taiwan. So His Holiness came to Taiwan for the second time after his visit in 1999.

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22.12.2005 – 04.01.2006, Taiwan

Visit in Taiwan

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01.01.1999 – 31.12.1999, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan

Images of Gyalwa Karmapa in 1999

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Words of Wisdom
Normally in life, greed – and in most cases even ambition – are things we need to slowly renounce. But while generating your qualities, such as bodhicitta, you need to be very ambitious, almost greedy