24.12.2010 – 07.01.2011

Kagyu Monlam, Bodh Gaya 2010

Bodh Gaya, Ceremony, Empowerment, Inauguration, Kagyu Monlam, Puja, Travel, Visit

The holy site of the Mahabodhi Temple was at its most splendid on the morning of the opening day of this year’s Kagyu Monlam. Thangkas depicting the masters of the Kagyu lineage had been put up on the Monlam shrine, and in front of them countless flower garlands, bouquets of flowers and butter lamps had been arranged, and a vast number of elaborately manufactured offering tormas set out. Every surface was covered with flowers laid out in intricate patterns, and a mood of joyful anticipation was in the air.

December 2010 to January 2011: The 17th Gyalwa Karmapa and Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche in Bodh Gaya, India

Dec 24, 2010:
Arrival of Gyalwa Karmapa and Mahakalapuja

Dec 25, 2010:

Lama dances, celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Karma Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery in Bodhgaya

Dec 26, 2010:

Preparation for Kagyu Monlam

Dec 27, 2010:

Kagyu Monlam at Mahabodhi Temple

Dec 28, 2010:

Kagyu Monlam at Mahabodhi Temple
Enthronement of Je Karma Trinlepa Chenpo
Lodro Rinpoche was officially appointed as the General Secretary of the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa.

Dec 29, 2010:

Gyalwa Karmapa gave Chenresig Empowerment
Kagyu Monlam at Mahabodhi Temple
Shamar Rinpoche held a press conference
Press interviewed Gyalwa Karmapa

Dec 30, 2010:

Kagyu Monlam at Mahabodhi Temple
Celebration of the 900th Anniversary of First Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa

Dec 31, 2010:

Kagyu Monlam at Mahabodhi Temple
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche visited Gyalwa Karmapa

Jan 1, 2011:

Kagyu Monlam
Ven. Dr. Dhamma Viriyo Mahathero visited Gyalwa Karmapa

Jan 2, 2011:

Last day of Kagyu Monlam
Audiences and Distribution of food to poor people
Dinner at All India Sangha Bikhu

Jan 3, 2011:

Shamar Rinpoche gave a speech

Jan 3-6, 2011:

Gyalwa Karmapa went pilgrimage with Prof. Sempa Dorje

Jan 7, 2011:

Dr. Arvind Kumar, the Vice Chancellor of Magadh University received buddhist refuge from Gyalwa Karmapa

Report: Rabjam Rikki Catty, Photos: Gunhild & Thule G. Jug



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Words of Wisdom
“We can overcome eons of negative actions, speech & thought with one great moment of generating compassion”