23.09.2019, France

Karmapa’s visit to Dhagpo: day three

Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, Teaching

On day three of Karmapa’s visit to Dhagpo, Karmapa gave teachings on compassion and Bodhicitta. There was a joyous atmosphere in the packed tent.

Karmapa then led a Chenresig practice, following the empowerment he gave on the previous day.

Karmapa then gave some instructions to students in preparation for the practice:

‘We shall go through the practice in the most traditional way, appreciate what we have, accumulate as much merit as possible, as much wisdom as possible, for our sake, and for the sake of all sentient beings. When we say ‘all beings’ we may reflect in terms of no more than twenty or thirty individuals. I really feel this introduces the practice in the most tangible way – beyond that it just becomes simply numbers. With our human capacity, we have our limitations, and it’s difficult for us to visualise everyone, and feel that all beings are included in our prayers. But those twenty to thirty, we somehow can. And then, all we have to do is to simply multiply that, because each of these individuals will have their own twenty to thirty individuals, and so on. In this way, it simply expands to all.’

After the practice session, Karmapa was offered a thanksgiving mandala, followed once again by the offerings of ku sung thuk. A group photo was then taken.


This concluded Karmapa’s three day visit to Dhagpo. The sense of joy and appreciation for the opportunity to practice together will stay in the hearts of everyone present.
See images:
22 September 2019 Karmapa Gives Extensive Teaching about Practice of Chenresig in France
22 September 2019 Guided Chenresig Meditation with Karmapa in Dhagpo
22 September 2019 Karmapa Visits Dhagpo Dedröl Ling Marfond, France

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Words of Wisdom
The human heart, Bodhicitta, is the most precious of all. While Buddhas are helpful in life, the compassionate heart is even more precious than a Buddha. In the human heart, we see limitless hope.