02.06.2012, Philippines

June 2nd The Gyalwa Karmapa Gives A Lecture At De La Salle University And Visits The Infirmed And Terminally Ill patients At The Philippines General Hospital.

Manila, Charity, Teaching

On the 2nd of June, His Holiness Karmapa was invited by the faculty of De La Salle University to give a lecture on Buddhism. Such was the interest by the professors and student body that a second conference hall had to be used, where a live telecast of the forum was broadcast to the attendees who were unable to be seated in the main hall. Once again, an observable curiosity in His Holiness’ message was seen by the mostly catholic audience, who were full of smiles and genuine peeked interest at the Karmapa’s ability to share the methods of Buddhist practice and philosophy in a way that transcends religious sentiments or cultural barriers.

Later that day, His Holiness Karmapa visited the Philippines General Hospital. He began His visit by meeting and greeting the outpatients, mostly young children, and offering them gifts. His Holiness then spent the next few hours going from bedside to bedside, visiting with terminally ill children and adults alike, who suffered from various afflictions and diseases. Prior to the visit, a “wish-list” had been requested from the patients. His Holiness Karmapa took His time with each individual, offering solace and peace of mind to the patients and family members before gifting each and every one with gifts bought according to the “wish-list” presented by the hospital. All were moved by His Holiness’ tenderness and dedicated efforts to the suffering these patients and their families. The children lit up with a joy rarely seen in such a place, upon receiving their gifts, and hardly a dry eye was found among those who accompanied His Holiness throughout the hospital.

Report: Rabjam Rikki Caty
Photos: Thule G. Jug

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“The inner wealth would be none other than the understanding of one’s true nature.”