11.11.2006 – 18.11.2006, Philippines

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa visits the Philippines for the first time

Manila, Audience, Ceremony, Empowerment, Puja, Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow, Teaching, Visit

Program in Manila

View the video clip of The 17th Gyalwa Karmapa in Manila 2006  here

– Arrival at the Airport, Pressconference at the airport
– Welcoming Dinner Party at Manila Hotel

– Welcoming Ceremony at the Nedo Kagyu Bodhi Dharma Centre, for Lamas and the core group only
– Chenresig Empowerment at PICC

– TV- Radio- and Pressinterviews
– White Tara Empowerment at PICC

– Speech on Bodhicitta to the Philosophy Students of La Salle University
– Audiences
– Refuge Ceremony at Universal Wisdom Foundation
– Dharma Teaching on the 6 Paramitas at Universal Wisdom Foundation

– Vajrayogini Puja at the Nedo Kagyu Bodhi Dharma Centre, for Lamas and the core group only
– Vajrayogini Empowerment at the Nedo Kagyu Bodhi Dharma Centre
– Refuge Ceremony at the Nedo Kagyu Bodhi Dharma Centre

– Consultation day and Audiences at Manila Hotel

– Visit at the Philippine General Hospital
– Medicine Buddha Empowerment at Chinese Chamber of Commerce
– Farewell Dinner at Aloha Hotel

– Last Audiences

Photos: Thule G. Jug

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Words of Wisdom
“Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.”