08.07.2008 – 15.07.2008, France

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa Visits Karma Migyur Ling (Montchardon)

Karma Migyur Ling, Empowerment, Teaching, Visit

His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje arrived in Karma Migyur Ling the 8th of August and stayed in Montchardon till the 15th August, followed by a big gathering of people coming from many places in the world.

He was warmly welcomed in Montchardon by Lama Teunsang and all the members and visitors who expressed their honor to receive him in this important Kagyu Center of France founded in 1974 by the late 16th Karmapa.

Sunday, the 10th of August, around 600 persons took place in the big white tent to participate in Karmapa’s program. His program started the 9th with a long and exceptionally deep transmission of the 37 practices of the Bodhisattvas. For the pleasure of all the participants, H. H. Karmapa gave his teaching directly in English, translated into French. So many people coming from fare away, like Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and so on, even from Mexico, received in a direct way theses inspiring teachings. During his stay, Karmapa also transmitted two empowerments, Chenrezig and Karma Pakshi, and consecrated the brand new Retreat Center who will receive in few month the first group accomplishing the long three years retreat. The consecration took place with representative from other Buddhist tradition and with the local authorities.

The 15th morning, Karma left Montchardon for the Center of Lyon and then took the plane for Starsbourg and Rechen-Ulm, continuing his tour in Europe. All the assistance who attended the visit of Karmapa in Montchardon where deeply touched by the refreshing and contemporary approach of Karmapa’s commentary of the famous text of the 37 practices of the Bodhisattvas, showing with no doubt his direct and wide understanding of all the aspects of the Buddhist path and the Karmapa’s activities.

Report: Jean-Marc Falcombello

France Photos by: Karma Migyur Ling

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Words of Wisdom
So when we practice compassion, when we apply compassion in our daily lives, we really have to tell ourselves, “That’s me, that’s who I am. I cannot change that; no one can change that.