24.06.2012, Lithuania

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa gives Chenresig empowerment

Stupkalnis, Empowerment

On Sunday, June 24, His Holiness gave the empowerment of Avalokiteshvara (tib. Chenresig), the aspect representing the enlightened compassion of all Buddhas, to the gathered devotees, who were by now well prepared for the occasion thanks to the transmissions of the two previous days.
In his introductory teaching His Holiness once again emphasised the fact that there was no intrinsic difference between the individual who was to become Chenresig and any one of us: “He (Chenresig) also encountered obstacles and challenges, got discouraged and strayed from the path, but with the help of his teachers, and inspired by bodhicitta, he always got back on track and finally reached complete enlightenment.”
Having thus encouraged his audience that their potential was exactly the same as that of Chenresig, he proceeded with the empowerment, guiding the assembled devotees through the various stages with detailed instructions.
His Holiness left Stupkalnis Retreat Center on the morning of July 25, on his way to his next big programme in Becske, Hungary. However, he took some time to visit the Karma Kagyu centre in Riga, the capital of Latvia, for a short meeting with the local sangha, before departing to Riga airport to catch his flight to Budapest.

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