10.03.2010 – 11.03.2010, India

Gyalwa Karmapa Gave Empowerments And Teaching In KIBI

Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, Empowerment

To mark the end of this year’s KIBI term, a weeklong programme of teachings and initiations took place at the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, and many devotees from around the world came to Delhi to take part in this outstanding event.

An intensive programme with Gyalwa Karmapa himself was scheduled for the first two days: On March 10 he gave the empowerments of Manjushri and White Tara, and in the morning of the following day he delivered a profound and inspiring teaching on the Four Seals of Buddhism. In the afternoon of the same day he gave the empowerment of Marpa Lotsawa, the great translator who was one of the forefathers of the Karma Kagyu School and the first Tibetan in the lineage – thus being instrumental in bringing its essential teachings from India to Tibet.

During the following days the programme continued with a rich schedule of teachings with Professor Sempa Dorje and Khenpo Tsering. In the mornings Khenpo Tsering taught on the Thirty-Seven Bodhisattva Practices, and the afternoon topic was the practice of meditation. In the evenings the participants had the opportunity to clarify doubts by asking questions to Prof. Sempa Dorje, thus benefiting from his vast erudition and understanding.

In the afternoon of the last day, March 16, the graduation ceremony for the first generation of students who had completed the KIBI’s four-year course of studies took place in the presence of Gyalwa Karmapa and the teachers. Speeches by Gyalwa Karmapa, Prof. Sempa Dorje and Khenpo Tsering were followed by the handing over of the graduation certificates to the proud graduates. The evening concluded with a joint garden dinner in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

Throughout this memorable week many people from all over the world – both individuals and groups – came to meet with Gyalwa Karmapa and receive his blessing, advice and instructions. Special highlights included the visit of a group of approximately fifty Chinese devotees, headed by Mr Shiah.

Featured Album: Empowerment And Teachings In KIBI
Pictures from New Delhi, March 10-20

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“The inner wealth would be none other than the understanding of one’s true nature.”