19.05.2016, Malaysia

Gyalwa Karmapa arrival at Kuala Lumpur International Airport

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21.05.2013, Malaysia

Departure from Kuching International Airport

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16.05.2013 – 21.05.2013, Malaysia

4th official visit of His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa in Malaysia

From 16th to 21h May 2013 took place 4th official visit of His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa in Malaysia. Read reports from each day of the program here: 20.05.2013 His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa […]

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20.05.2013, Malaysia

Teachings at the Bodhi Path Center Kuching

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20.05.2013, Malaysia

Dharma teachings and Chenresig puja at Bodhipath Kuching Centre

On the last evening of His stay in Kuching His Holiness visited Kuching Bodhi Path Society to meet with organisers and devotees, give teachings, answer questions and conduct a Chenresig Practice.

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Words of Wisdom
“We can overcome eons of negative actions, speech & thought with one great moment of generating compassion”